On 21st of May 2024, there was a zoom meeting for the project ‘Taekwon-do for the Rights’, number 101133552, which is co-funded by the Erasmus +.
The meeting was attended by all 10 associated partners from the 10 European countries, which are taking part in the project: Slovenia, Greece, Romania, Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Serbia, Poland and Bulgaria.
During the meeting, the campaign about raising awareness and the social media campaign were discussed.
Using their social media, the partners are starting to publish the e -banner of the Project – Join us - My rights in my community, which is providing visibility and is informing the public about the project.
The main aim of the project RIGHTS is to encourage young people who actively practice sport to increase their engagement in the local communities. One of the main vehicles to achieve this is to create a bond with the law enforcement authorities (LEA). Therefore, the clubs are continuing to invite LEA representatives to their sports hall, who are speaking to the children about their profession and the challenges they meet.
Again, the partners discussed the criteria for the selection of the competitors, as they are in the process of selecting the candidates and forming teams to participate in the sports event in the month of October.
Another part of the agenda was the short survey, they were asked to complete, which will aid the completion of the six months internal report.
The coordinators of the Central Police Taekwon-Do Club reiterated the importance of working together and following deadlines as the project is a huge challenge and for its successful completion the support of all the participants is greatly needed.